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- Some toilets have heated seats, which make winter usage much more pleasant.
- Don’t mess with the buttons unless you are sitting and know what they are for!
- “Otohime” or sound princess can be used to cover the sound of bodily functions by broadcasting the sound of a toilet flushing through a small, push button speaker system.
- Some public toilets have automated disposable/clean toilet seat paper covers. Often you will find chemical cleaning sprays as well.
- Toilet slippers are meant for just the toilet, as historically in Japan, toilets were located outside of the house. Do not wear them out of the bathroom!
- Many home toilets have a wash basin set on top of the toilet water tank.
- Public toilets may not have towels, paper towels or dryers to dry your hands, BYOH (Bring your own hankerchief.)
- “Washiki” is the Japanese term used for traditional squat toilets.
- Broken public toilets in Japan are not common, but public toilets without paper ARE common! BYOTP!
- By JSA standards, Japanese toilet paper must dissolve within 100 seconds when placed in water. Beware of clogging with foreign bought toilet paper!
More on Japanese Toilets
Japan’s High-tech Toilet Culture
How to Use a Squat Toilet With Pictures!
How to use a Japanese toilet. This one has pictures of the “buttons” you should know.