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Santa and Friends Nagoya has been caring for Nagoya’s orphans, and providing an opportunity for people to participate in volunteer activities and make friends in Nagoya for 9 years.  If you like children and have been looking for some way to give back, this may be your best opportunity in Nagoya!

Santa and Friends Nagoya has been helping orphans in Nagoya for 9 years.  Focusing on 5 local Nagoya orphanages, the concept of SFN was first to celebrate Christmas, spread a little holiday cheer, and bring a few smiles to many children’s and volunteer’s faces. Every year over 100 volunteers, and sponsors help bring together 250+ orphans from 5 different orphanages for an amazing full day Christmas celebration extravaganza. Christmas games, magicians, musicians, story-telling, interactive activities, crafts and cookie decorating are just a few of the activities offered to the children.

While the Christmas event is the key event, from 2011 they became more involved and interactive with the orphanages to develop closer relationships with the children by organizing, assisting with, and carrying out a number of activities with the kids at each orphanage each and every month.  Activities include: Summer barbecues, beach trips, English classes, sporting events, dancing, yoga, arts and crafts, camping, and ski trips are regular events, as are events and support requested by the individual orphanages themselves.  They do what needs to be done, and they do it in a way that is fun and rewarding for everyone involved.

To Get Involved in Santa and Friends

  1. Make the decision that you would like to go outside yourself, to explore new paths, and find new, genuine ways towards fulfilment through community service!
  2. Tell us a bit about yourself and your availability though our volunteer application form.

All information is kept completely confidential, and is necessary because they work with children!

Contact Santa and Friends

Phone: 052 783 1817
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.santaandfriendsnagoya.com