tansu_chestLike antiques? Whether you are in Japan for a short stay or here for the long haul, you may be interested in purchasing some Japanese-style antique furniture or other knickknack to take home with you. If you are in the market, you are in the right place.

Antiques are in no short supply in Japan. I am personally a big fan of “Tansu Chests” like this one. They are not cheap, but I’m dreaming of getting one of my own someday. Then I’ll just need someone to help me carry it!

Antique Flandre, アンティークフランドル

First is Antique Flandre, アンティークフランドル in Minatoku; towards the port. This store has a much better online catalogue, and though I have not been there myself, it seems to have a very large selection. If you are looking for 6 chairs, this might be the spot to start. The shop is actually a European antique store with a focus on British, French, Dutch and Belgian furniture.

The following three stores can be found by walking along the left side of the JR tracks from Nagoya station.  They are all under the tracks, and you can spend quite a bit of time walking in the area.  There are several shops, if not more, that specifically sell antiques, and a selection of other types of shops that make for a great waste of a lazy Saturday!

Antique Collection Jewel

Under the train tracks.

Nagoya Milky Antiques

Under the train tracks.

Encounter Antiques

Under the train tracks.

Antique Market Fukiage

My favorite is Antique Market Fukiage, アンティークマーケット吹上. Antique Market is just a short walk from Fukiage Station, and comprises 5 floors of wall to wall things to buy. It will probably take you an hour to peruse it all, and they have everything from cheap little knick-knacks of note to expensive sculpture and last time I was there they even had a full 1920’s style bar. Dark woods, mirrors, and stools to make any man wish he had a den! It is a highly recommended destination.

If you are in the market for an item, or just feel like browsing aisles filled with beautiful or interesting old stuff, you can find what you seek at one of these shops. If you know of other antique shops in or around Nagoya, or just have a comment for us, please leave a comment here, or Join the conversation in progress either Japan Info Swap Facebook Page, or Twitter.

Antique Market Fukiage Map

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