mission-burritoI have it on good authority that El Zocalo Burrito in Osaka is all the burrito you will ever need. More US than Mexican, El Zocalo Burrito features great big burritos with an assortment of toppings that anyone who has ever dined at a taco truck in LA would immediately recognize.

They serve Mission-style burritos, as distinguished from other more traditional burritos by their signature large size and the inclusion of extra rice, beans, and other ingredients. Another feature of mission style, the aluminum wraps you get them in. This shop serves up tasty, fresh, affordable, and fast US style Mexican burritos with style and creativity. If you are in the neighborhood you cant go wrong at this little hole in the wall shop.

El Zocalo Burrito

Wings Giza Building 1F-B, 1-9-6 Kitahorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0014 (map)

Photo: Wikipedia “San Francisco burrito-sparkletack-2005” by Joewright (CC BY 1.0) (modified)