As you begin your life in Japan, you will quickly start accumulating many important documents. If you are a client of Relo Japan, we will need copies of some of these documents to assist you with your relocation services, and you may need to show them to your human resources department after you begin your job.

Please see the list below for short explanations of each document and what they are used for.

Your Residence Card (在留カード, “zairyu kaado”)

residence card exampleYou will receive this at the airport when you arrive. This card functions as your primary ID in Japan and proves that you are legally authorized to live here. You must carry this card on you all at times and may even be asked to show it to police officers. You must also take this card with you when exiting and entering the country. When you leave Japan at the end of your assignment, please turn it in at the airport.

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Your Insurance Card (保険証, “hokensho”) 

This card is for your health insurance and can double as proof of employment since your company’s name is on it. Be sure to carry this card on you at all times since you may need it in the event of emergencies.

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My Number Card (マイナンバーカード, “mai nanbaa kaado”)

This paper document functions as an individual identification number for tax and pension purposes. You will receive an application, 個人番号カード交付申請書 (kojin bango kaado kofu shinseisho), enclosed in a letter from the city hall. You will receive this by certified mail within a month of registering your address. Whenever you move, you will need to present this card along with your residence card to your local city office so that they can update the address on the back of the card.

Please keep this card in a safe place and do not disclose your “my number” to anyone who does not have a business or official need to know (such as your HR or the local office).
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Driver’s License (運転免許証, “unten menkyosho”)

This one is pretty self-explanatory. The important thing to note here is that it does not replace your residence card, and you will still need to carry the residence card after receiving a driver’s license.

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Residence Card Photo by: Immigration Bureau of Japan
Insurance Card photo by: Japan Health Insurance Association
My Number Card photo by: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication
My Number Card photo by: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication
Driver’s License photo by: 運転免許.net