Hattori Dairy Farm Since 1969 the Hattori Daily Farm in Kanagawa has raised dairy cows on green pastures not that far away from Tokyo.  Hattori Farm is a bit of working dairy a bit “dude ranch” where you can come learn and even touch the many animals they raise, you can even try your hand at milking a cow!

The  10 ha/24 acre farm features 100 head of Holstein and Jersey Cattle, in addition to stocks of sheep, horses, pigs, and even rabbits.  From the big red barn to the John Deere tractor, the farm is designed to evoke images of  Europe or the United States.

Hattori Daily Farm

243-0307 Kanagawa ken, Aikawa-machi, Aiko-gun 6087 (Google map)
TEL 046-281-0917
URL www.kanagawa-hattoribokujou.com