If you are looking to get a festival in, it is on and popping in Toyohashi City on July 16th!
The Toyohashi Gion Matsuri features hand held fireworks on Friday, and aerial fireworks on Saturday. On Sunday is the Mikoshi parade.
Saturday is probably the best day to go, and in my experience fireworks and vendors selling greasy Japanese junk food are rarely far apart. If you have not tried it yet, I recommend you give “Tamasen” a try.
It is a fried egg, yakisoba, cheese, and heaping helping of mayonnaise sandwiched between a couple of really big shrimp crackers. Good stuff, but very rich. Both Friday and Saturday’s festivals start at 18:00.
Have fun!
Toyohashi Gion Matsuri 2016
Saturday, July 16th from 1800
Get off at Toyohashi station on the Meitetsu Nagoya-Honsen Line or JR Tokaido-Honsen line. Transfer to the Toyohashi City Line, (Shinai-Densha) and get off at Shiyakusho-mae station. It is a 5 minute walk from there, but follow the crowd and you should be fine. (Google map)