You know how it goes: you’re up to your eyeballs in work, the boss has been riding you, the kids won’t do what they’re told, and this morning the cat mistook your slippers for a litter tray. But at least it’s finally Friday, and you’ve got a chance to unwind after work. But this isn’t a mood that’s going to evaporate after just a couple of drinks. No, what you need is a real stress burner. So, how about sinking a beer and throwing an axe around? Yeah, you read that right. Welcome to Nagoya’s Axe Throwing Bar.
You’re a Lumberjack, and You’re Okay*
In the depths of Nishiki, Sakae’s hustling-est and bustling-est nightlife area, you can find a sports bar with a difference. Nagoya’s first (and quite possibly only) axe-throwing bar is meant as a light recreation area at which you and your friends or coworkers can hang out, have a drink, and compete against each other at axe-throwing. Think of it like a darts bar but with axes. It’s not just a clever name…
Now, you may be thinking that it is a little reckless to get loaded and start chucking around wood choppers like some boozy Paul Bunyan, but contrary to all appearances, Axe Throwing Bar is serious about safety. Before the fun begins, you will be guided by a certified axe thrower trainer and shown how to hold, throw and take care with the axes. And don’t worry about this being some dodgy unregulated back alley affair, as it is part of a nationwide chain that has three more stores in Tokyo and another in Osaka, so they must have some kind of regulation, right? Perhaps it’s best not to think about it.
Axe, and Ye Shall Receive
But the wildness does not stop at just axes, as should that be too little an adrenaline rush for you, you can imagine yourself as a ninja with shuriken [throwing stars], a pirate with throwing knives, or a Vishnu-esque warrior/Xena the Warrior Princess (delete as appropriate) with Chakram rings from the subcontinent. Still not filling the void? Okay, how about chucking around a Kukuri knife like a Gurkha, or even discovering your inner Bruce Wayne with a Batman star?
Of course, this being Japan and a recreation aimed at the post-work crowd, there are a few courses to choose from. The Corporate Plan of three people or more will cost 4,480 JPY per person for 90 minutes of axe throwing, including a light meal and one drink. For groups of eight people or more on the Group Plan, it rises to 4,980 JPY (for some reason I cannot quite fathom, as logic would dictate that the opposite should be true).
Surely, though, that is an absolute steal of a price to rid your mind and body of that week’s stress so that you can come home to your family in a happy, pleasant, unwound mood. And if the kids don’t want to clean their room? Well, drop into conversation how expert you have become at axe throwing, and you’ll soon see a change in attitude.
Axe Throwing Bar Details
Where: B1, Goko-cho Building, 2-12-8 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya (map)
*Come on, nothing screams comedy like quoting Monty Python, does it!
Image: via