” Oiden” is taken from the local Mikawa dialect. It means “Come on,” as in come on and dance! This festival brings hundreds of dance teams to the center of Toyota City to dance to the “Oiden song.” I am not entirely sure what that entails, but there are apparently two versions of the dance that goes along with it: “traditional and disco.” You can find official versions of these dances below.
Toyota Oiden Matsuri Dances on YouTube
The costumes and decorations are bright and interesting, and the dance styles range between the very traditional and the bizarre-much like most of Japan seems to on a regular basis. Keep an eye out, and you may even see some disco, but I am hoping not!
The dancing begins on Saturday at 16:00 and continues until 20:30. An interesting side note, there are “little dancers” from 18:15-18:45 (6:15pm). This is apparently kindergarten kids and such all decked out in cute costumes and doing their thing-highly recommended!
Toyota Oiden Fireworks Festival
The festival concludes on July 26th from 19:10-21:00 (7:10-9:00), Sunday evening, with a bang. Almost two hours of fireworks will be set off to much applause and merriment. Not really much more that needs explaining about a fireworks festival. Japan does them well, and they do them often.
More info – Japanese
Festival Home- Japanese