Volunteering has a lot of upsides and few downsides to it.  It is a great way to meet new people when moving to a new town, or just finally getting out and about after living in it for some time, and the people you meet are generally pretty cool.  If you are looking for an opportunity to get out and volunteer your time for a good cause, there are options here in Nagoya.

The Chubu Walkathon

The Nagoya Walkathon and International Charity Festival is a foreign organized charity event started in 1991 in Nagoya.  It is held annually on a Sunday in May this event is sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) and Nagoya International School (NIS). Its main purpose is to join the international community with Japanese friends and companies in raising money for local orphanages and charities.

Information can be obtained by contacting the ACCJ Chubu Office

Website  www.chubuwalkathon.com
Phone 052-229-1525
Email chubu [at] accj [dot] or [dot] jp
Facebook Page
Twitter Page

Santa and Friends Nagoya

SFN_Group_LogoSanta and Friends Nagoya has been caring for Nagoya’s orphans, and providing an opportunity for people to participate in volunteer activities and make friends in Nagoya for 9 years.  If you like children and have been looking for some way to give back, this may be your best opportunity in Nagoya! (and the simplest to get started with, since it is year round, continuous, and there are no real requirements to helping out!)

Santa and Friends Nagoya has been helping orphans in Nagoya for 9 years.  Focusing on 5 local Nagoya orphanages, the concept of SFN was first to celebrate Christmas, spread a little holiday cheer, and bring a few smiles to many children’s and volunteer’s faces. Every year over 100 volunteers, and sponsors help bring together 250+ orphans from 5 different orphanages for an amazing full day Christmas celebration extravaganza. Christmas games, magicians, musicians, story-telling, interactive activities, crafts and cookie decorating are just a few of the activities offered to the children.

While the Christmas event is the key event, from 2011 they became more involved and interactive with the orphanages to develop closer relationships with the children by organizing, assisting with, and carrying out a number of activities with the kids at each orphanage each and every month.  Activities include: Summer barbecues, beach trips, English classes, sporting events, dancing, yoga, arts and crafts, camping, and ski trips are regular events, as are events and support requested by the individual orphanages themselves.  They do what needs to be done, and they do it in a way that is fun and rewarding for everyone involved.

Information can be obtained by contacting  Santa and Friends

Website www.santaandfriendsnagoya.com
Phone 052 783 1817
Email santaandfriendsnagoya(at)gmail.com
Facebook Page

HOPE International Development Agency Japan

hope_IDA_logoHOPE International Development Agency’s vision is to extend compassion to the neglected poor.

HOPE-JP is part of the HOPE network, which raises compassion for families in the developing world across 9 different countries, including Canada. By partnering with people around the world, HOPE works towards eradicating extreme poverty through sustainable development and helping families achieve self-reliance.

Since its founding in 2001, HOPE-JP has been working with residents of Japan to assist the families in developing countries. In order to realize this, we also focus on furthering understanding within Japan about the effectiveness of sustainable development in addressing needs in the developing world.

Information can be obtained by contacting  HOPE – JP 

Website www.hope.or.jp
Facebook Page