satsuma_orangesLate autumn and winter in Japan is orange season, and people go nuts for them.  When I first came to Japan they had this amazing orange chu-hai available that has basically ruined orange chu-hai for me forever.  It was like an orange crush that made you more handsome and charming!  Nothing has matched it since, with the possible exception of real oranges.

In winter and late fall you can buy bags of what we in the west call Satsuma Oranges, the most rebellious of all oranges.  Satsuma Oranges, called mikan here in Japan were first grown in modern Satsuma prefecture.  They are small, seedless oranges that peel easily and are incredibly sweet.

The harvest season in Aichi and the surrounding area begins in October and run through to December.    But with October still warm, and December getting cold; November is the time to go out and pick them yourself.  Orange picking is “experience” tourism with tasty results; why not take your family out and try this fun and healthy activity this month?

You can generally pick and eat as many as you like, and are given a pre-packaged bag to take home with you when you are done, and the hours vary by location during the season.  The actual mikan picking generally does not require a reservation, but some of these farms also offer BBQ sets along with the picking experience and for that you will need to make a reservation.  For more details about the farms see their website, or the original article on the NIC website.

Mt Togoku Fruits Park in Nagoya

Gamagori Orange Park 蒲郡オレンジパーク Orange Orchard

Joyful Farm U-no-ike ジョイフルファーム鵜の池 Orange Orchard

Utsumi Fruits Mura (Tanakaen) 内海フルーツ村 田中農園 Orange Orchard

Suzugatanien 鈴ケ谷園 Orange Orchard