The Kobe City Forest Botanical Garden, is a massive botanical garden and arboretum located near Mount Maya in Kobe, Japan. Despite its close proximity to the city, the “garden” is an oasis of nature where you can immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the forest.

There are several hiking course options, all around an hour each to complete.  From the trails you can view most of the garden’s collection of 1,200 trees and shrubs both native to Japan and those imported from the rest of the world.  Their collection of cherry trees is especially popular, but other notable varieties include  conifers, hydrangea, and rhododendrons.

The hydrangea is actually the city’s official flower, and the garden’s annual “Hydrangea Walk in the Forest” event is popular during the start of summer; when the hydrangea are in bloom.  You can experience this from early June until early July, or about a month. There is a quiz rally and guided tours are conducted by the staff, though don’t expect English support for those!

Kobe City Forest Botanical Garden

651-1242 Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe, Kita Ward, 山田町上谷上長尾1−2
078-591-0253 (JP) 

Image: “DP1M1899 by Hiroyuki Naito  (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)