With Christmas fast approaching, thoughts turn to presents and brightening up the home with a few decorations. If you haven’t already got your shopping for the season planned out, here are a few tips on where to buy some of the essential materials.


This is a good bet if you want to find a wide range of items and do a big shop in one fell swoop. The stores sell artificial trees, decorations, wrapping paper, Christmas lights, nativity sets, bigger items like lawn reindeer, and themed tablecloths and scented candles. The downside is that the selection of individual items is quite small.

Website: https://www.costco.co.jp/p/locations/kobe?lang=en
Online ordering from: https://www.theflyingpig.com/

100 Yen Stores

These are a range of budget stores across Japan, with the most popular being Daiso, Seria, and Can Do. The name refers to the price of many of the items. You can find Christmas decorations in most of these stores beginning after Halloween ends, which include small Christmas trees, decorations, stickers, and other trinkets.

Websites: https://www.daiso-sangyo.co.jp/


The Swedish multinational has stores across Japan and is a popular annual stop for families looking for a real rather than artificial Christmas tree. The store also sells an extensive range of decorations at a slightly more expensive price than the local discount stores.

Website: https://www.ikea.com/jp/en/store/kobe

Don Quijote

A giant discount store found all over Japan and known by some as “the big donki,” Don Quijote seems to stock anything and everything at a good price. Another good option if you want to do a big shop as you’re likely to find artificial trees and a range of cheap decorations and costumes for Santa and his elves.

Website: http://www.donki.com/en/

Home Centers

These stores are similar to household goods stores you get overseas, such as Homebase, and are good for a visit if you are looking for a real pine Christmas tree, but be warned, they can sell out quickly. They also have a nice selection of decorations, and you might also be able to pick up a few other seasonal bits and pieces.

Website: Link to map of local stores


A store that supplies a more upmarket range of decorations such as ornaments and decorated baubles. They offer a good range but are more pricey than some other places, which is to be expected given the quality of the products.

Website: http://www.francfranc.com/shop/default.aspx

Shimo Jima

You can pick up good quality wrapping paper from this stationery store. They also sell a few trees and decorations around the festive period too.

Website: https://www.shimojima.co.jp/eng/shop.html


This department store is another place where you can find all sorts of products, both Christmas and non-Christmas related. They sell artificial trees as well as lights and decorations.

Website: https://www.loft.co.jp/

Tokyu Hands

Another convenient store is where you can spend a good couple of hours browsing through their range of merchandise. The Sannomiya store serves the Kobe area.

Website: https://www.tokyu-hands.co.jp/en/list/kansai.html


A home furnishings store that says its value is “offering the unexpected.” It could be said that finding Christmas trees and decorations on sale here is a bit unexpected, but they do stock a range of items come the season.

Website: https://www.nitori.co.jp/en/index.html

Amazon Japan

Amazon’s online Christmas store, as it’s dedicated to Christmas, has a wide assortment of goods on offer. If you can’t, or don’t want to, visit a physical shop, this is an ideal solution.

Website: www.amazon.co.jp

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