From April 1, 2016, changes were made to the format of the Disembarkation Card for Foreign Nationals, Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Re-entrants, and the Embarkation Card for Foreign Nationals was discontinued.

The new format will no longer have some boxes such as “nationality/region”, “sex” and “passport number”, and in order to prevent the omission of necessary information, the sections for “answers to required questions” and “signature”, which used to be on the back, has been moved to the front of the Disembarkation Card for Foreign Nationals.

disembarkation for foreign nationals

Another big change, you will no longer be required to select either “Re-entry Permission” or “Special Re-entry Permission” in the Embarkation Card for Re-entrants.  Insted you will have to fill in whether or not you intend to re-enter Japan.

embarkation card for reentrants

For further details, please refer to the Immigration Bureau website

Or, see the full PDF summary of the changes directly on the same site: