While relocating to another country often turns out to be a wonderful, life-changing experience, there are always traumatic obstacles and challenges standing in the way of gaining that experience. The good news is you do not have to overcome them all by yourself. Everyone who comes to Japan goes through it, and getting to know other expats living in Nagoya is a great way to learn the best ways to overcome, or better yet avoid, obstacles to that wonderful, life-changing experience in Japan.
Spouses who are recent arrivals to Nagoya will find these social groups especially valuable, and there is no better source for news, views and helpful information about life here in Nagoya, Japan than other members of the expat community! While these groups are most commonly sought out by women, most have no specific limitations in that regard. If it sounds like fun, contact them directly regardless of your gender.
Nagoya Meet and Greet
The Nagoya Meet and Greet is a monthly lunch where 40+ women of various nationalities, interests, and ages gather to meet, eat, and greet. The event is great for new arrivals and those seeking new friends. Mothers can take advantage of the Children’s play area available. English is the language of communication.
JIS Article (with latest event info)
Cross-Cultural Exchange Association (CCEA)
The Cross-Cultural Exchange Association, or the “CCEA,”is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting cultural exchange, international understanding and friendships among women of all nationalities living in the Nagoya Area. Social activities, general meetings and special interest groups are some ways in which members develop friendships, discover the local community, and learn about the rich cultural heritage of Japan and other countries.
Noriko’s Events
“Noriko’s Events” are exclusively offered for non-Japanese to enjoy and learn about Japanese culture and traditional crafts. Activities include hand sewing “yukatas”, making “kimekomi” ornaments, drawing calligraphy, “ikebana” flower arrangement, and the Japanese tea ceremony. Noriko will also guide participants on occasional fun and educational excursions.
Download “Destination Nagoya,” a Free Digital Guidebook
Relo Japan is proud to bring you our “Destination Guide”, series of special digital guides that incorporate inside knowledge of Kobe, Hiroshima, Nagoya, and Osaka from the view of an expatriate. These invaluable resources have everything you need to know about living and working in Japan, including:
- Where to live
- Where to shop
- What to see and do
- Restaurants and nightlife
- A guide to services
- And much more!
You can download each as either an interactive multimedia iBook for viewing on an iPad, or as a PDF for viewing on a PC or other devices.