Round two for that bastion of fun by the river, Gifu City! The Nagara River National Fireworks Festival is held yearly on the first Saturday of August from 7:15 p.m.-8:45 p.m. For those who have lost track of time, that is this weekend! This is one of the largest fireworks displays in Japan. It is a part of the All-Japan Fireworks Competition and comes on the heels of a great display last weekend in the same spot. If last weekend was any indication, this is going to be another great show with over 30,000 fireworks lighting up the night sky. My highlight last weekend was the heart shaped displays, and the ever wonderful fried chicken. I bought mine off an old couple, and they made it with heavy ginger; just the way I like it. Happy times!
This event is located on the banks of the Nagara River in Gifu, in between the Nagara and Kinka bridges. The event begins around 4:30 p.m, but if you want a decent spot you should show up much earlier. Like I said, this is a big festival so you will find a spot no matter when you come somewhere.
Special buses run from JR Gifu Station and Meitetsu Gifu Station, but the lines are long, and I usually just walk. It takes about 30 minutes, but you can follow the crowds and not get lost at all. The buses you are looking for should be pretty obvious; just look for the long line of older folks. The walk is good, and there are so many people that it is fun, so I recommend you do that! Have fun!