If your battery dies you may be able to use jumper cables to jump start it using another vehicle.  This guide will give you an idea of how to use jumper cables in an emergency, but you should refer to your car’s and the cable’s manufacturer’s guides for specific instructions before attempting the procedure.  Please remember that incorrectly using cables could damage either or both vehicles, or result in injury.


Make sure both cars are turned off, and in park or neutral with the parking brakes on.

  1. Connect one end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal* on the stalled vehicle (dead) battery.
  2. Connect the other red (positive) jumper cable clamp to the positive terminal of the starting vehicle battery.
  3. Connect one end of the black (negative) jumper cable to the negative terminal* of the starting vehicle battery.
  4. Connect the other black (negative) cable to a clean, unpainted metal surface under the stalled vehicle’s hood, away from the battery; somewhere on the engine block is a good place.

Start the vehicle that’s doing the jumping, and allow it to run for about 2 to 3 minutes before starting the stalled vehicle. <important> Remove the cables in reverse order.  Keep the jumped car (stalled vehicle) running for at least 30 minutes to give the battery sufficient time to recharge.

  • *The positive terminal should be marked ( + ), or (POS), and/or have a larger “terminal post.”
  • *The negative terminal should be marked ( – ), or (NEG), and/or have a smaller “terminal post.”

If you do not have a car, but want one, navigate over to www.LeaseJapan.com and check out our selection of new and used vehicles for sale or lease. Need a driver’s license first? www.JapanDriversLicense.com has tools, tips, and guides to help you navigate the system. Happy motoring!