H&R Consultants


Christmas Markets in Tokyo and Yokohama

This year went by quick. It seemed like only yesterday that summer would never end and now, all of a sudden, it is time for the holidays. Or maybe autumn in Japan just feels that short. The upside of the encroaching cold is looking forward to the year end holidays of Christmas and New Years. For me, this means taking my family to the Christmas Markets for some cocoa. Or visiting one after work for a German beer or three. The point is that Christmas Markets are both a lot of fun and a great way to keep warm during the cold month ahead. Lasting for roughly a month at most locations, these markets sell festive food and drink and all sorts of Christmas decorations. They’re a great way to get into the holiday spirit for those of us not traveling home this year. Plus, this year there are more than ever. We have compiled a list of those that are most worth visiting and a few more just in case you want to to go one nearby. Please check them out and let us know about your experience.  Tokyo Christmas Market –  Shinanomachi We’ll start with the biggest offering:…

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