The Tokyo Ramen Festa
I will open this with a confession: This article was painful to write. Not in the sense of finding the prose to convey the message nor in the sense that the subject matter was utterly devoid of inspiration to help its transition to the written word, but rather…well…just look at this page and tell me you didn’t just feel a little rumble in your stomach. A little growl for chow. A howl for the world famous noodley goodness that is ramen. Go ahead, click on that link and have another look. Did you scroll down to the bottom really fast? Or did you take it in, nice and slow, while noodles danced in your heart and mind? Spicy ramen. Greasy ramen. Relatively (for the dish) clean ramen. Ramen with mountains of negi (green onions). Ramen with meat practically covering the bowl. A ramen for all seasons, a bowl to fit each and every individual. There are few tasks I could think that required more discipline than sitting in front of this keyboard while writing out this article knowing that such delights are but a simple sojourn away. And yet I have perservered in bringing this message to you, my equally…