H&R Consultants

Health and Beauty

How to Exercise in Nagoya While Social Distancing

Whether you are working from home, self-isolating, or social distancing, it is vital to keep your fitness and energy levels high. The WHO states that exercise is important for battling a wide range of health issues, and perhaps most relevant in these times of isolation, is the improvement of mental health and a reduction in the risk of depression. Furthermore, David Nieman, Dr.PH., a health professor at Appalachian State University and director of the Human Performance Lab at the North Carolina Research Campus, suggests that “Getting in 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to brisk activity can help your immune system keep viruses at bay.” But with gyms and sports centers closed to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission, it has become more challenging to exercise, perhaps as inversely easy as it is to put on weight, what with the fridge and the snacks cupboard even closer at hand. So, we have to find different ways to keep fit while keeping our distance from others. Below are a few ideas that you can try to help keep the pounds off, the immune system up, and maintain a healthy brain. With all of these suggestions, please keep in mind that you should remain…

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