Japanese Law
Hyogo’s Ashiya City Garbage Bag Changes 2023
Residents of Ashiya City in Hyogo Prefecture should be aware that the rules regarding garbage bags will change in October 2023, and a transition period has already begun as of April 2023. Ashiya City has asked that all garbage belonging to both the burnable and the non-burnable garbage groups be placed in designated Ashiya City garbage bags. These bags can be purchased in 45L, 30L, 15L, and 5L sizes. The Changes While the basic rule is simple enough to follow, there are some nuances for residents to be aware of: ・Burnable and non-burnable garbage use the same bag type but cannot be placed inside the same bag. ・Bags containing non-burnable garbage should be clearly checked with a marker. There is a checkbox near the bottom of the garbage bag that says 不燃 (Funen – Non-burnable). ・All garbage disposed of via the Pipeline must be placed in the designated garbage bags. Unaffected Points ・Recyclable trash will still be dealt with the same way as before. ・Your garbage collection times and dates will most likely not change. 5 Points to Keep in Mind Smaller garbage bags may be put into one large bag (Please try to keep this to a bare minimum)…