H&R Consultants

Life in Japan

How a VPN Can Improve Your Japanese Life

Living in Japan’s great, isn’t it? The food, the history, the natural beauty, and the bustling cities. But do you know what isn’t great? Japanese TV. From its slapstick-heavy comedy shows to formulaic police dramas, it’s nauseating variety programs, and the endless, ubiquitous food chat, it’s pretty woeful. And it’s only accessible if you can understand Japanese. It’s probably not until you move abroad that you realize how much your nation’s TV is part of your life, and then it’s gone. Of course, there are streaming channels, but as each nation has its own shows, you can often find that what you want to watch is not available. You could perhaps download torrents, but as downloading copyrighted material in Japan can result in two years in Jail or a ¥2m fine, it’s definitely not advisable. Thank heavens, then, for Virtual Private Networks (VPN). The benifits of VPNs VPNs have numerous benefits to the everyday Internet user. For a start, they encrypt your private data, stopping anyone from intercepting your internet traffic. This gives you protection from hackers, advertisers, and even your internet service provider, making a VPN essential for internet banking, or sending sensitive messages to colleagues or loved ones,…

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