H&R Consultants


Buying Furniture in Nagoya

When moving to a new country, some things come over and some stay behind. Spouse and kids? Probably coming along. The family dog or cat? That can be a tougher call. Furniture finds itself to be dependent on your moving situation. International moving companies can provide air and ship freight options, but these can take weeks or months to arrive. Not many people are interested in bringing over every single thing, especially those who will continue to have a residence back home. So, let’s have a look at the choices Nagoyans have when shopping: Nitori The ubiquitous Japanese chain known for having simple designs. Nitori stores can be found all over the city and they have delivery services for items too large to fit into your vehicle. The big plus to Nitori is that it is designed with Japanese residential sizes in mind. The prices also tend to be on the more reasonable side for things and filling your home with Nitori will make it look like a standard Japanese living space. However, this also means that you are rather limited in the exact styles and functions provided by Nitori. From experience, setting up Nitori products is painless most of…

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