Summer Homework: Things to Mind and Enjoy
As we head into August, residents of Japan will begin wrestling with a month that continues the beats of July: Extreme heat coupled with high humidity and typhoons from time to time. While the cicadas may calm down during the month of August, seasoned residents know that the heat most certainly will not and it seems to last deeper into the night. Furthermore, there are many things to keep in mind during this season of unrelenting humidity and heat. Yet, not all is lost as August can be one of the more enjoyable months with plenty to do. Mind the Air Conditioners Most people have broken down and started cranking the air conditioner. You may have a sacred temperature you try not to go below, but the point is that your air conditioning units are earning their keep for the year at the moment. Since they are putting in so much work, dust will accumulate at a faster rate than usual.Make sure to find time to clean them here and there as even a light vacuuming of the filters for the wall units can make a big impact. This is especially true if anyone in your house is sensitive to…