H&R Consultants


How to Start Your Own Business in Kansai

Self-employment is a fantastic way of earning money while at the same time engaging in a pursuit you like and being your own boss. Japan welcomes entrepreneurs and those wanting to benefit the national economy by setting up their enterprises, and the Kansai region offers excellent money-making opportunities. In fact, Osaka has been identified as one of the country’s startup hotspots for 2023. Here are a few tips on how to go about starting up your own business in Kansai. Research the market Before you do anything else, you’ll need to have a good idea. This means researching the market, finding out what’s doing well and what gaps for new opportunities might be. Kansai is one of Japan’s tech hotspots, and the region has a gross regional product (GRP) of just over US$800 billion. Osaka, which will host the World Expo in 2025, thrives in areas such as biotechnology and manufacturing. Kyoto is a hub for electronics and healthcare. Kobe does great in energy and engineering. Find out what opportunities align with your skills and where might be the best location to set up. Sort out your visa requirements This may not be an issue if you already live in…

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