Crafty Guys – Meet Nagoya’s Craft Beer Sensations, Tall Boys Brewing
You all know the Bat Phone, right? The red telephone that Commissioner Gordon used to contact Batman, it flashed red whenever Gotham City needed help. Here at JIS Towers, we have the same thing, but it rings whenever there is a new craft beer bar on the block. Our Beer Phone has been ringing off the hook recently because Tall Boys Brewing is all anybody in Nagoya is talking about. Tall Boys’ Brewing is the brainchild of three Nagoya faces: Collin, Alex, and Robb, and having started out as the pipe dream of brewing enthusiasts to market and sell their own beer, TBB has become Nagoya’s most exciting brewery and taproom. As such, JIS donned its beer cape and headed down there to meet head brewer Collin to find out what all the fuss is about. JIS: So, you’re the head brewer of your own craft beer brewery. Sounds like every man’s dream. Collin: Well, it’s certainly mine. Since I was a kid, watching my dad home brew beer, I’ve always loved the process, I used to buy books on it. But when I came to Japan, I discovered that it’s not really a thing here; there are small communities…