Exploring Chita Peninsula – Family Fun in the Aichi Sun
With the weather finally taking a turn for the better and the cherry blossoms dropping their flowers, it is that time of year when you might think about heading for the coast, and around Nagoya, that means the Chita Peninsula to the south of the city. Though not as renowned as the tropical beaches of Okinawa, as dramatic as the sand dunes of Tottori, or in possession of the mythical origins of Sagami Bay, the Chita Peninsula area still has much to offer. It makes for an excellent destination for those sunny days with friends and family. Clam-hunting The spring/summer fun kicks off on Yamada Beach, where from April to June (the dates change depending on the year), you can get your hands dirty within the mudflats looking for clams and other shellfish. Digging clams is a great, family-friendly event, and your kids will revel in digging at the muddy sand for fresh shellfish to fill your buckets – and later, your cooking pots. Located close to the main Minamichita town, an area well-known for its fresh seafood, your haul is guaranteed to be some of the most delicious you have ever caught with your own two hands. Where: Yamada…