H&R Consultants


The Best Train Passes in Japan (For Residents)

Many people know of the exceptional value of a Japan Rail Pass, which allows tourists to ride the train systems in Japan for a set period without paying individual ticket prices. Unfortunately, the Rail Pass is only available to non-residents of Japan, so if you’re not a tourist, then you’re out of luck! However, there are many other forms of special tickets or passes available to those of us who call Japan home. These tickets are all outlined here for today. I just wanted to outline a few of my favorite options.  Seishun Juhachi Kippu Most notable is the Seishun Juhachi Kippu, which is seasonally available and offers five days of “norihodai travel” (as much as you want), limited only to non-reserved seating travel on local and rapid trains belonging to Japan Railways. JR Tokyo Wide Pass – Kanto If you are traveling in the Kanto area for a few days, the Tokyo Wide Pass is among the better rail passes available in Japan. One of its advantages is covering the Shinkansen and many non-JR train lines. It is an excellent option if you plan a long weekend with friends from out of town and plan to visit multiple major sights in…

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