Typhoon season in Japan runs from June to December, but most typhoon activity occurs between July and September, even into October. You can read more on Staying Safe During Typhoons and Storms in Japan, generally, by clicking that link, this article will focus on flooding.

Knowing where your home is, and how it is rated by the city for flood hazards is an essential part of prepping for a potential disaster and keeping your family safe.

Flood hazard maps for each of Nagoya’s wards are available on the City of Nagoya website.

Flood hazard maps are also available on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism website.

You should know your address in Japanese to find where you are on the map, but here are some vocabulary words to make it easier to use the above sites.

  • ハザードマップ: hazard map
  • 地図 / マップ: map
  • 簡易: simple
  • 詳細: detailed
  • 洪水: flooding
  • 土砂災害: sediment disaster
  • 津波: tsunami
  • 道路防災情報: road disaster prevention information

Once you find your place on the map, it should be easy to see your home’s situation by the coloring of the map.