Your Guide to Autumn Eating in Nagoya
It has come to my attention that we write a lot about food for this blog. This is a good thing, really, as we will never run out of content as Japan (and in my humble opinion, particularly Nagoya) is a foodie paradise. However, there is a challenge for our readers: How can you maximize your exposure of Japan to fully act upon this information? To help you, eager and slightly hungry, I have gone ahead and gathered up some of our previous articles on foods to enjoy for the colder months of the year. Please be aware that the present situation of certain restaurants and the availability of certain dishes is subject to change. With that said, let’s dive in! Autumn Foods in Nagoya Kicking off with a quick guide for stuff you can go out and enjoy right now is this guide to the seasonal foods that start appearing when the leaves start changing colors. I am personally a big fan of sanma (Pacific saury) and find any excuse to slot it into the week’s dinners. Winter Foods in Nagoya This article is a great primer on your options as the days get colder and colder. Most of these…