Dining out in Tokyo Post Coronavirus
Starting with the State of Emergency that went into effect for Tokyo and surrounding areas at the beginning of April, many restaurants went into a “takeout and delivery only” mode along with drastic cuts in hours and menus. Now that Japan has started reopening, many are in a hurry to head back to their favorite dining spots especially in the Metropolis, known for having one of the highest concentrations of restaurants in the world. Eating out is OK again, but you are going to be in for a world of changes upon entering your favorite eatery. D i s t a n c e d The biggest noticeable change will be all the new procedures in the establishments themselves to prevent any transmission of coronavirus. Social distancing measures are in full effect, and that means you may not even be able to get into your gnosh-spot without first making a reservation. My little hole-in-the-wall ramen joint in my corner of Tokyo has cut their seating area capacity in half; so that means the already tiny dining area that could seat 20 is slashed to 10 people only. There’s a QR code on the door that lets you access their reservations…