H&R Consultants

Day Trips

Ise’s Oyster Eating Extravaganza in Mie

In much of the world, oysters are considered something of a delicacy. They are an aphrodisiac, they are rare, and thanks to their high price they are often considered the preserve of the wealthy, up there with champagne, caviar, and yacht clubs. However, in Mie Prefecture this is not the case at all. The Ise Bay around the cities of Ise and Toba, and Matoya Bay in Shima are renowned for oyster production, and from November to March there are plenty of places at which you can have your fill of these delicious oysters, eating them by the literal bucketload, for ridiculously cheap. Well worth checking out! Uramura Perhaps the best-known oyster spot is Uramura in Toba, as it has been for the past 70 years. All along the Uramura coastline there are plenty of oyster houses that offer the delicacy in a number of ways, whether it be sampling a single oyster or getting stuck in to the tabehoudai, all-you-can-eat courses (yes, that’s right, all you can eat oysters. It’s pretty unimaginable, isn’t it!). While there are plenty of ryokan serving oysters, many of these places are outdoors, meaning that it’s a good idea to wrap up warm. However, you…

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