H&R Consultants


Safe Driving Tips for Winter in Japan

Driving in Japan presents its own set of challenges, especially for those used to roads and traffic “back home.”  The most obvious challenge for many is that the traffic moves on the left side of the road instead of the right, but in addition we must get used to sudden double-parking in Tokyo, very narrow streets, and very tight quarters in car parks throughout Japan. Winter driving in particular can be tough here. Even those accustomed to driving in wintery conditions will find a challenge or two when the snow starts to fly, or when driving through the mountains mid-winter. We have complied a list of useful tips to keep in mind if you’re new to winter driving here in Japan. Snow Removal Kit This can be as simple as keeping a small windshield ice scraper, brush, and foldable shovel in the trunk.  Trying to scrape your windows with a credit card while you are already late is probably one of the worst ways to start a day; not recommended. Traction – Snow Tires and Chains This writer is from St. Louis, Missouri, and we get a decent amount of snow every year, but there is one thing that we…

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