Gifu Prefecture
Do You Know Nags? Nagoya’s Hidden Gems – Part 5
Whether you’re fresh in town or are a piece of the local furniture, Nagoya is a city that continuously throws up surprises. New restaurants, shops, and bars spring up all the time, and you can be wandering down an oft-trodden street and come across something that you’ve never come across before. We all have our favorites, our haunts, our places that we like to call our own. In this JIS series, Nagoya residents share their recommendations so you can get to know this ever-changing city as well as they do. Who: Maki Sumida Recommendation: Tori Mitsu Yakitori-ya A native of Sendai in northern Japan, Maki moved to Nagoya about five years ago, and not knowing the city, she moved into the Meieki area out of convenience. Upon her first night in town, she ventured out into her neighborhood to find a place to eat, and almost immediately, she stumbled upon Tori Mitsu. “The master seemed a bit strange, and the kitchen was a bit on the dirty side,” said Maki, “but there was a lively and warm atmosphere, so I thought I would give it a go.” What she discovered was not only fantastic yakitori, including kushi katsu infused with…