Hiroshima City
Why You Need to Visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
The Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima opened a decade after the atomic bomb destroyed almost the entire city on August 6, 1945. It presents an argument as to why nuclear weapons must be abolished by showing the stark realities of what damage an atomic bomb can cause. The museum showcases a tragic but significant event in Japanese history. The Peace Watch You’ll pass the Peace Watch if you enter the museum from the street (as opposed to the entrance near the Peace Memorial Park). This watch is a clock that features two digital displays: one counts the days since the last atomic bomb dropped and the other the number of days since the most recent nuclear test occurred somewhere in the world. Introductory Exhibit The first exhibition you’ll see when you visit the museum shows the destruction of the atomic bomb through photos and videos. You’ll see how the mushroom cloud rose over the city and the desolation that remained. There are also testimonials from the survivors of the bombing — these are in video format with English subtitles. Finally, the exhibition has information about nuclear warfare throughout history, beginning with the Manhattan Project that developed the bombs and ending…