Hiroshima Outdoors
Getting in Tents: Camping Around Hiroshima
Finally, the heat and humidity of the summer have dissipated, and we can all get outside and enjoy the fresh air without losing half our body weight to sweat! This is the perfect time of year to dust off that tent and head out into nature – either with family, friends, or alone – to indulge in some leisurely camping. However, unlike many countries, Japan does not have general ‘right-to-access’ laws, meaning wild camping is technically illegal unless you have explicit permission from the land owner. That doesn’t mean people don’t do it, but we do not advise you to try for yourself. Fortunately, catering to the desire of the Japanese to get out into their glorious natural surroundings, there are many camp spots where you can pitch a tent without the fear of being chased off by landowners or the local constabulary. There are more than a few to check out if you feel like getting ‘in tents’ (get it?) in the Hiroshima area. Miyajima Island There is a good chance you have already been to Miyajima Island, home to the famous Itsukushima Shrine and the virtually tame deer. But did you know it is possible to camp on…