Yoro No Taki – Yoro Falls in Gifu
Yoro no Taki (Yoro Falls) is a great spot to get outside near Nagoya. Any time of the year is fine, but visiting the area in spring and fall is highly recommended, as both the spring blossoms and fall colors do an excellent job decorating the mountains surrounding the waterfall. Viewing fall colors, or “koyo,” is what this area is primarily known for, though, and the trip is a rewarding experience. Yoro no Taki is Located about an hour outside Nagoya in Gifu Prefecture in Yoro Park in the Town of Yoro. The waterfall is about 32 meters high, 4 meters wide and is one of Japan’s top 100 waterfalls. The water from the falls is famously high quality and is said to have rejuvenating powers. Its powers are legendary. Yoro’s power is outlined in an old legend about a poor woodcutter who went into the woods to find firewood and discovered the water of the spring had turned to rice wine. He filled a gourd with the spring water and brought it to his aged and ill father, who was returned to good health by the wine. The water-to-sake transformation was believed to be the gods rewarding the son…