Tokyo’s Best American BBQ
In the United States, BBQ is cooking meat for long periods at low temperatures with smoke from a wood fire. BBQ adds a distinctive smoky taste to the meat, and depending on the style in question, BBQ sauce. While BBQ traditions may not have originated in the United States, they have taken it to new levels; in the South, barbecue is more than just a cooking style. It is a subculture with wide variation between regions and fierce rivalry for titles at barbecue competitions. BBQ is part food, part lifestyle, and all passion. If you are interested in trying US-style BBQ here in Japan, you are in luck! We have some suggestions in and around Tokyo. Hato’s Bar in Meguro-Ku Hato’s is tucked away in the corner of Naka-Meguro. It’s located smack-dab in between Daikanyama and Naka-Meguro stations on Tokyu’s Toyoko line, and without the map I’m attaching to this post, you’ll probably never find it since its wedged into a nook in the side of a building that itself is wedged into the side of a steep hill with its back turned towards the rest of town. This is a locals only spot…and indeed, the best BBQ joints in…