Mie Prefecture
New Year Countdown Parties Near Nagoya 2022
New Year is an important time in Japan, but things are celebrated differently here than back home. You are undoubtedly already clued up on Japan’s New Year traditions, its New Year’s foods, and the shrines to visit for Hatsumoude in Nagoya. But did you know that there are also New Year countdown parties like at home? Like many aspects of western culture – Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Halloween, Japan has slowly been getting to grips with the New Year Countdown parties. Primarily celebrated by younger people, a few places hold parties with fireworks and the like at the stroke of midnight. Usually, there are three major ones in the Nagoya area. However, this year, events at Laguna Tenbosch and Nagashima Spaland have been canceled at short notice. No reason has been given, but one can make a guess. Furthermore, at the time of writing, there is not a lot of talk about the regular event at Nagoya Castle, so that may have fallen by the wayside, too. Things, as they are, are subject to change, so it may be worth your while to keep an eye on their website for any updates. Fortunately, the little guys have your back if…