Nagoya Halloween
Halloween in Nagoya
As the years go by, old heads in the various foreign communities have noticed something: Halloween only seems to get more popular. The Japanese public has a more general awareness of the event and it has begun nicely occupying the general public’s mind in that open spot after Silver Week but before the year’s end parties (忘年会 – bounenkai) and Christmas/New Year’s season envelopes the country. Of course, major retailers, shopping districts, amusement parks, and others of Nagoya are all more than happy to accept your participation and hard-earned yen on various events. Halloween will most definitely keep those with children more than busy, but there will also be themed parties hosted downtown for those looking for a fun night out. Keep in mind that it is not tradition in Japan to go door to door, knocking on homes and receiving candy as a result. However, fear not if you have little ones who were looking forward to getting a small mountain of sugared treats. There are still plenty of ways to get your sugar rush. For Those with Kids Halloween can easily be one of the more chaotic holidays when children are involved. Getting costumes, arguing over costumes, choosing…