Top Musical Artists from Kobe
Although it’s only a small city, Kobe is the birthplace of numerous musical artists of a range of genres. Checking out their music is a great way to gain a feel for what Kobe is about. Masaaki Suzuki In addition to being a musician, Masaaki Suzuki is a conductor and the founder and director of an orchestra and chorus. He started his professional music career at age 12, playing the organ in a church. He later became a harpsichord instructor and is currently recording Bach’s complete works for the solo harpsichord. He has received several awards for his musical achievements. Makoto Ozone An award-winning jazz and classical pianist, Makoto Ozone’s name is familiar worldwide. In addition to his solo work, he founded the big band No Name Horses and collaborated with Polish vocalist Anna Maria Jopek as well as with the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra. He also performed in a duo with Kimiko Itoh at the Montreux Jazz Festival. Piko Named after his dog, Piko is a J-pop singer with an extensive vocal range, covering notes typical to both male and female vocalists. He became Internet-famous after uploading covers to the video-sharing site Nico Nico Douga. To date, he has…