H&R Consultants


Earthquake Preparedness in Japan

Japan is among the world’s most seismically active countries, which means that earthquakes are a relatively common occurrence. Small tremors are usually felt in some part of the country everyday, and there have been several big quakes in the last few years resulting in damage and deaths. While the damage was very significant, it is important to note that damage and deaths were remarkably limited. Since a major earthquake in Kobe many years ago, Japan embarked on a mission to improve building codes and procedures. All of which were fairly effective. Even the much bemoaned walls erected to keep Tsunami waves at bay, which turned out to be much too short, did in fact hold back the waves for a time, and probably saved hundreds or thousands of lives. So while it is important to be prepared for a disaster, you should keep the danger in perspective. If you must live through a killer quake, Japan is probably the best place to do it. If you take only one thing from this article, please be pro-active and prepare your family and home for a disaster. Preparation Pays off Do you live in a new house or apartment? Building standards become…

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