H&R Consultants

Tokyo City

The Top Parks Around Tokyo

The metropolis is a great place to live, but the space available isn’t always great. Being constantly surrounded by buildings can feel a bit oppressive after a while.  That is when it is to get out and recharge in a spot with some green, take a mental health day!  Granted, while getting REALLY away from it all and doing some hiking or other outdoor activity is best, sometimes it’s just impossible to get away. When you still need to stay local, all of these options will offer a surprisingly natural environment considering their relative convenience. Otonashi Water Park Otonoashi Water Park is one of the “100 best city parks of Japan” and is a popular spot for families.  It offers fall colors, spring hanami, and summer’s green to visitors.  The park started as a natural tributary to the Sumida River.  After erosion control measures were implemented and urban growth exploded in the fifties, the water turned gray and fetid.  It was eventually diverted to the Tokyo City sewer system via tunnels, and the remaining area comprising the riverbed was converted to a park. The park offers water features along the path of the water, including waterfalls and pools along a…

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