Tokyo Metrolpolis
Keeping your Social Distance while in Japan
While the “lockdowns” that are seen in many countries are currently impossible to put into effect in Japan because of how the laws are interpreted, it is still up the upmost importance to follow the recently unveiled San Mitsu Rules (三密対策) and avoid the following: 密接 Misetsu – avoid talking with people up close. 密閉 Mippei – avoid non-ventilated enclosed spaces 密集 Misshu – avoid congregating in crowds his is pretty easy to do if you live in the countryside, but most of Japan’s cities are very dense and tightly packed. Services like grocery stores and laundromats are usually half to a third of the size of their Western counterparts. My first thought was “how can we stay 2 meters apart in Tokyo?” Mind the gaps Thankfully, helpful markers like signage, dividers, and floor markers are posted in places like supermarkets and post offices. Trains and buses are running their HVAC systems at maximum while keeping the windows down to ventilate the vehicles. Many restaurants have started takeaway and delivery service if they didn’t have them before; many are doing it for free. Even with these rules, we need to stay vigilant. Tips to flatten the curve without going bonkers…