H&R Consultants

Tokyo Metropolis

Climbing the Walls – Bouldering in Tokyo

I doubt that there is a single kid in the western world and a few from other places in the world who doesn’t want to crawl the walls like a certain well-known web-slinging superhero. While most of those climbing feats aren’t possible, it is still possible to do some serious climbing because bouldering has taken off in a big way in recent years. What is Bouldering? While sounding like a category in the World’s Strongest Man competition, bouldering is a discipline of rock climbing performed without using safety equipment such as ropes or harnesses (mats are allowed). Unlike free solo climbing, the path in bouldering is usually horizontal and consists of many boulders, less than six meters (20ft) tall. The sport originated in the mid-1800s to practice tricky rock climbing maneuvers at a safe distance from the ground. During the 20th century, the sport grew with the advent of crash mats to prevent injury from falls and indoor bouldering, providing all-weather access. Bouldering in Tokyo Of course, there’s not a lot of actual boulders in Tokyo; however, there are still plenty of bouldering centers around the city, most of which offer lessons for beginners just getting to grips with the…

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