H&R Consultants

Tokyo Metropolis

Travel to a Relaxing Hot Spring Resort… Without the Travel!

It’s no secret that Japan is one of the most seismically active places on Earth. But this is also a good thing when you consider one of the country’s most valuable assets: the onsen, which is Japanese for hot spring. You can find hot springs all over Japan, and indeed whole towns have been known to capitalize on their proximity to the geothermal boilers. However, if you live in the Greater Tokyo Area, you know that the chances of finding one of these natural pools are slim to none. There are three choices for springs lovers in urban settings: Take a mini-vacation to places like Atami, Hakone, and Izu in Kanagawa, Gunma, or Tochigi. These places are known for having good onsen hotels, and depending on the season; you can also ski, snowboard, hike, and more. The water coming out of the ground is rich in minerals and other healing agents, and it’s naturally heated to perfection by Mother Earth. Many of these places are resorts, so they provide soap, towels, shaving kits, and more. Some also have excellent restaurants attached to them. Go visit your local “sento,” meaning Japanese bathhouse. You can find these places in most areas around…

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