H&R Consultants

Tokyo Metropolis

Odaiba’s Misfit Museum: The Unko Museum

Maybe I’ve been here too long but sometimes I forget that Japan has a reputation for being, well, a weird place. Occasionally, I come across something that surprises and delights me as much as it reminds me that there is a reason for the weird reputation. This brings us to the Unko Museum. We knew it was bound to happen eventually; Japan is home to the first restroom-themed restaurant, our toilet technology is talked about and adored far and wide, and we even invented this 💩 emoji. Plus, there is a museum for pretty much anything you can imagine, including parasites. So, of course, Japan should be the first to have a museum dedicated to all things doo-doo. A poo-seum, if you will. So if you’re hankering to know all about Mr. Hanky, then head over to the Unko Museum and brace yourself! Located near Odaiba, Tokyo Teleport Station, on the Rinkai line, is the closest access by metro, about 30 minutes from Shinjuku Station. The museum is hosted on the second floor of the Diver City Tokyo Plaza so it makes a great, if odd, double feature to the Giant Gundam in front. As you can probably guess, unko…

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