H&R Consultants

Traffic Safety

Bicycling in Japan from 2024 on

From 2024, the rules governing cylists and drivers via the Road Traffic Act have been amended. This round of revisions is particularly focused on cyclists compared to previous revisions. In 2022, bicycle accidents were nearly one-fourth of all total accidents in the country. Influenced by these trends, the Japanese government has enacted stricter regulations towards enhancing safety via revision of the Road Traffic Act. Expect stricter penalties for noncompliance to rules already on the book and increased emphasis on enforcement. Here are the key takeaways: Stricter Penalties for Mobile Phone Use Cyclists have always been prohibited from using mobile phones for any reason (holding, making calls, texting, or looking at the screen – basically anything involving either your hands or eyes not being 100% focused on cycling) while riding, but this has previously done nothing to deter the number of perceived number of violations a year. With the revised punishment structure in place, violators can face up to six months in prison or a fine of up to ¥100,000 for simply being caught on the phone while cycling, but anyone involved in an accident due to being impaired by smartphone use can expect much harsher penalties of up to a…

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