H&R Group
Family Disaster Preparation, Survival, and Response in Japan
No one wants to be part of a disaster, but if you have to, Japan is one of the best places to do it. From building codes to government and civil procedures, the Japanese government has built pretty good infrastructure for use “in an emergency.” While they do a good job generally, no country guarantees an immediate and adequate response to any contingency. A lag time of 3 days, or longer, from incident to complete response is to be expected, and it is the individual or family’s responsibility to prepare for this period. This guide focuses primarily on earthquakes, which seem the most likely disaster to befall us here. However, many actions taken to prepare for, immediately respond to, survive until help arrives, and finally begin to recover from an earthquake would apply to various disasters. This guide is intended to give you a broad overview of how to prepare yourself and your family for the worst-case scenario. Before we dive in – The Tokyo government put out this excellent pamphlet. This is a great way to disseminate some of the information found below. We would also like to remind everyone that Lease Japan offers emergency disaster survival kits, so…