H&R Consultants

Japanese Language

Casting Your Net: Discover More about Japan with Podcasts

So, you find yourself in Japan, and you want to immerse yourself in the culture, but you’ve got three fundamental problems: you can’t speak the language well enough to flick on the TV and plop down in front of the various variety shows (believe me, you’re not missing out there); you aren’t into manga or anime, which make up most of the accessible aspects of Japan’s pop culture; you’re too busy to waste your time sifting through the abundant poorly-written blogs and uninformed opinion pieces that are rampant on the internet (present company excluded, I hope). But fear not, because podcasting has hit Japan and done so in a big way. Of course, like all areas of the podcast world, there is an absolute pile of tosh out there, but we at More than Relo have got your back and have put together a list of some of the best, covering a range of subjects so that you can really get to grips with this amazing country! History of Japan If you want to know a culture’s present, the best thing to do is delve into its past, and the History of Japan Podcast is a real deep dive. Scholar…

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